These are acronyms used by Rocket Breaks and the wider industry, as we move forward into space tourism you might find it useful to reference this document from time to time.
FAQs & Acronyms
How much do your space experiences cost?
It depends on the experience you choose. We do have space adventures to suit most budgets and requirements. Call one of our specialists to discuss what you are looking to get from your experience then we will match you to the right mission.
Is it safe?
Anything has a risk, from bungee jumping to crossing the road, and measures are taken to minimise those risks. Whilst space tourism is still in its infancy, we ensure every part of the process is a as safe as it can be, giving you and loved ones peace of mind every step of the way.
Do I need special training?
Depending on your choice of trip you may require some training. We do have options for anyone at any ability, so just speak to our experts who will guide you in choosing the perfect mission for you.
Is there a weight / height limit?
Each mission is bespoke to your requirements. However understandably some of the spacecraft have limits in place for practical and safety reasons. We can guide you to find the right one for you.
Is there an age limit?
To us age is just a number, you could be 13 or 90 and we have suitable missions for all.
Why would I use you instead of going direct?
We act like a personal space travel agent. As well as guiding you through the different choices of amazing space adventures, and helping you to identify which one will fulfil all of your expectations, we also book the flights you will require, your hotel and your onward transport to get to the launch pad. We will coordinate everything perfectly, so that you don’t have to.
Can I get insurance?
We have teamed up with our partners at Battleface to arrange custom insurance cover. Our team will discuss your options when you book.
Will I experience weightlessness?
On all of our Orbital, Sub-Orbital and Zero-G missions you will experience weightlessness and different levels of gravitational pull.
Where do you launch from?
We launch mainly from the US and Europe with more space ports opening around the world over the next few years this is likely to expand.
°C: Degrees Celsius
°F: Degrees Fahrenheit
°R: Degrees Rankine
24/7: 24 Hours/day, 7 days/week
2–D: Two-Dimensional
3C: Command, Control, and Checkout
3–D: Three-Dimensional
3–DOF: Three-Degrees of Freedom
6-DOF: Six-Degrees of Freedom
A&E: Architectural and Engineering
ACEIT: Automated Cost-Estimating Integrated Tools
ACES: Acceptance and Checkout Evaluation System
ACP: Analytical Consistency Plan
ACRN: Assured Crew Return Vehicle
ACRV: Assured Crew Return Vehicle
X: Analog to Digital
ADBS: Advanced Docking Berthing System
ADRA: Atlantic Downrange Recovery Area
AEDC: Arnold Engineering Development Center
AEG: Apollo Entry Guidance
AETB: Alumina Enhanced Thermal Barrier
AFB: Air Force Base
AFE: Aero-assist Flight Experiment
AFPG: Apollo Final Phase Guidance
AFRSI: Advanced Flexible Reusable Surface Insulation
AFV: Anti-Flood Valve
AIAA: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
X: Aluminum
ALARA: As Low As Reasonably Achievable
AL-Li: Aluminum-Lithium
ALS: Advanced Launch System
ALTV: Approach and Landing Test Vehicle
AMS: Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer
AMSAA: Army Material System Analysis Activity
AOA: Analysis of Alternatives
AOD: Aircraft Operations Division
APAS: Androgynous Peripheral Attachment System
APS: Auxiliary Propulsion System
APU: Auxiliary Power Unit
APU: Auxiliary Propulsion Unit
AR&D: Automated Rendezvous and Docking
ARC: Ames Research Center
ARF: Assembly/Remanufacturing Facility
SE: Airborne Support Equipment
ASI: Augmented Space Igniter
ASTWG: Advanced Spaceport Technology Working Group
ASTP: Advanced Space Transportation Program
X: Alternate Turbopump
TCO: Ambient Temperature Catalytic Oxidation
ATCS: Active Thermal Control System
ATO: Abort-To-Orbit
ATP: Authority to Proceed
ATS: Access to Space
ATV: Automated Transfer Vehicles
ATV: All Terrain Vehicle
X: Billion(s)
BEN: Benign
BFO: Blood-Forming Organs
BFS: Backup Flight Software
BGN: Benign Failure
BLS: Bureau of Labor Statistics
BMI: Bismaleimide
BOGS: Blade Outer Gas Seal
BPR: Business Process Reengineering
BRCU: Booster Remote Control Unit
BSM: Booster Separation Motor
Btu: British Thermal Unit
X: Carbon
C&C: Command and Control
C&W: Caution and Warning
C.I: Confidence Interval
C2H6: Propane
C3: arth Departure Energy
CAD: Computer-Aided Design
CaLV: Cargo Launch Vehicle
CAM: Computer-Aided Manufacturing
CBC: Common Booster Core
CBM: ommon Berthing Mechanism
CBT: Computer-Based Training
CCAFS: Cape Canaveral Air Force Station
CCB: Common Core Booster
CCDH: Command, Control, and Data Handling
CDF: Cumulative Distribution Function
CDR: Critical Design Review
CDV: Cargo Delivery Vehicle
CE&R: Concept Exploration and Refinement
CEEF: Crew Escape Effectiveness Factor
CER: Cost Estimating Relationships
CEV: Crew Exploration Vehicle
CFD: Computational Fluid Dynamics
CFF: Catastrophic Failure Fraction
CFM: Cryogenic Fluid Management
CFO: Chief Financial Officer
cg or CG: Center of Gravity
cGy-Eq: Centigray Equivalent
CH4: Methane
CHeCS: Crew Health Care System
CHMO: Chief Health and Medical Officer
CIL: Critical Items List
CIR: Combustion Integrated Rack
X: Confidence Level
ClF5: Chlorine Pentafloride
CLV: Crew Launch Vehicle
CM: Crew Module
X: Centimeters
CMG: Control Moment Gyroscope
CMRS: Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Moisture Removal System
CO2: Carbon Dioxide
COAS: Crew Optical Alignment Sight
Comm: Communication
CONUS: Continental United States
X: Change Request
CRAC: Constant Radius Access Circle
Crit-1: Criticality 1
CRV: Crew Return Vehicle
CSM: Command and Service Module
CTB: Cargo Transfer Bag
CTS: Crew Transportation System
CWI: Combustion Wave Ignition
X: Calendar Year
DARE: Dynamic Abort Risk Evaluator model
DAV: Descent/Ascent Vehicle
DBFRSC: Dual Preburner Fuel Rich Staged Combustion
DCF: Delayed Catastrophic Failure
DCS: Decompression Sickness
DC–X: Delta Clipper Experimental Program
DDCmplx: Design and Development Complexity
DDInher: Design and Development Inheritance
DDT&E: Design, Development, Test, and Evaluation
deg: Degrees
Demo: Demonstration
DKR: Detra-Kemp-Riddell
DoD: Department of Defense
DoE: Department of Energy
DOF: Degrees of Freedom
DoT: Department of Transportation
DPT: Decadel Planning Team
DRM: Design Reference Mission
DSN: Deep Space Network
DSS: Decelerator System Simulation
X: Delta Velocity (i.e., change in velocity)
EAC: Estimates at Completion
EAFB: Edwards Air Force Base
EAP: Expert Assessment Panel
EAS: Engine Air Start
ECLS: Environmental Control and Life Support
ECLSS: Environmental Control and Life Support System
ECU: Engine Control Unit
ED: Entry Descent and Landing
EDLS: Entry, Descent, and Landing System
EDS: Earth Departure Stage
EDV: EELV-Derived Vehicle
EEE: Electrical and Electronic Engineering
EELV: Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle
X: Error Factor
EHA: Electro-Hydrostatic Actuator
X: Entry Interface
EIRA: ESAS Initial Reference Architecture
ELR: Excess Lifetime Risk
ELV: Expendable Launch Vehicle
EMA: Electro-Mechanical Actuators
EMU: Extra-vehicular Maneuvering/Mobility Unit
X.: Engine-Out
EOI: Earth-Orbit Insertion
EOR: Earth Orbit Rendezvous
ERT: Expedition Readiness Training
ESA: Exploration Systems Architecture
ESAS: Exploration Systems Architecture Study
ESD: Event Sequence Diagram
ESMD: Exploration Systems Mission Directorate
ESRT: Exploration Systems Research and Technology
eSSME: Expendable Space Shuttle Main Engine
X: External Tank
ETO: Earth-to-Orbit
EtOH: Ethanol
EVA: Extra-Vehicular Activity
FAR: ederal Acquisition Regulation
X: Flight Computer
FCE: Flight Crew Equipment
FDIR/R: Fault Detection, Isolation, and Recovery/Reconfiguration
FES: Fluid Evaporator System
FEV: Flash Evaporator System
FIR: Fluids Integrated Rack
FIRST: Flight-Oriented Integrated Reliability and Safety Tool
FIV: Fuel Isolation Valve
Flts: Flights
FLUINT: Fluid Integrator
X: Failure Mode
FMC: Flight Medicine Clinic
FMEA: Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
FMHR: Free Molecular Heating Rate
FOM: Figure of Merit
FORP: Fuel-Oxidizer Reaction Product
FRAM: Flight-Releasable Attachment Mechanism
FRGF: Flight-Releasable Grapple Fixture
FRSC: Fuel-Rich Staged Combustion
FRSI: Flexible Reusable Surface Insulation
X: Factor of Safety
FSE: Flight Support Equipment
FSPS: Fission Surface Power System
FSS: Fixed Service Structure
X: Feet
ft/s: Feet Per Second
FTA: Flight Test Article
FTINU: Fault Tolerant Inertial Navigation Unit
FTP: Fuel Turbopump
FTS: Flight Termination System
X: Flight Unit
X: Fiscal Year
X: Acceleration due to gravity (32 ft/sec
G&A: General and Administrative
g/cm2: Grams Per Square Centimeter
GaAs: Gallium Arsenide
GCH4: Gaseous Methane
GCR: Galactic Cosmic Ray
GDMS: Ground Data Management System
GEM: Graphite Epoxy Motor
GEO: Geosynchronous Earth Orbit
GFE: Government-Furnished Equipment
X: Gas Generator
GHe: Gaseous Helium
GLOW: ross Liftoff Weight
GN&C: Guidance, Navigation, and Control
GN2: Gaseous Nitrogen
GOX: Gaseous Oxygen
GPS: Global Positioning System
GR&A: Ground Rules and Assumptions
GRAM: Global Reference Atmospheric Model
GRC: Glenn Research Center
GSE: Government-Supplied Equipment
GSE: Ground Support Equipment
GSFC–FAA: Goddard Space Flight Center – Federal Aviation Administration
X: Gemini-Titan
GTO: Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit
GH2: Hydrogen
H2O: Water
H2O2: Hydrogen Peroxide
HAC: Heading Alignment Circle
HAN: Hydroxyl Ammonium Nitrate
X: Hazard Division
HDPE: High-Density Polyethylene Shielding
He: Helium
HEO: High Earth Orbit
HEX: Heat Exchanger
HHFO: Habitability and Human Factors Office
HIP: Hot Isostatic Press
HLLV: Heavy-Lift Launch Vehicle
HLR: Human Lunar Return
HLV: Heavy-Lift Vehicle
HPFTP: High-Pressure Fuel Turbopump
HPFTP/AT: High-Pressure Fuel Turbopump/Alternate Turbopump
HPOTP/AT: High-Pressure Oxidizer Turbopump/Alternate Turbopump
HPU: Hydraulic Power Unit
X: Headquarters
HSRT: Human Systems Research and Technology
HST: Hubble Space Telescope
HTPB: Hydroxyl Terminated Poly-Butadiene
HTV: H-11 Transfer Vehicle
: Habitable Volume
HVAC: Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning
HYPAS: Hybrid Predictive Aerobraking Scheme
I&T: Integration and Test
I/F: Interface
IA&C: Integration, Assembly, and Checkout
ICD: Interface Control Document
ICF: Instantaneous Catastrophic Failure
IDT: Integrated Discipline Team
ILC: In-Line Configuration
ILC: ntegrated Logistics Concepts
IMLEO: Initial Mass in Low Earth Orbit
IMP: Integrated Mission Program
IMS: Integrated Master Schedule
IMU: Inertial Measuring Unit
X: Inch(es)
INS: Inertial Navigation System
INTROS: Integrated Rocket Sizing Program
IOC: Initial Operational Capability
IPAO: Independent Program Assessment Office
IPD: Integrated Powerhead Demonstrator
IR: Infrared
IRD: Interface Requirements Document
X: Interstages
ISHM: Integrated Systems Health Management
Isp: Specific Impulse
ISPP: In-Situ Produced Propellant
ISRU: In-Situ Resource Utilization
ISS: International Space Station
X: Information Technology
ITA: Internal Task Agreement
ITAR: International Traffic and Arms Regulations
IVA: Intra-Vehicular Activity
IVHM: Integrated Vehicle Health Management
JOFOC: Justification for Other Than Full and Open Competition
JSC: Johnson Space Center
JWST: James Webb Space Telescope
X: Thousands
X: Kelvin
X: ilograms
X: Kilojoule
klb: Dilopound
klbf: DThousand Pounds Force
X: DKilometers
km/s: DKilometers Per Second
kN: DKilonewtons
kPa: DKilopascals
KPP: DKey Performance Parameters
KSC: DKennedy Space Center
KSLOC: DThousand Software Lines of Codes
kWe: DKilowatts Electric
L/D: Lift-to-Drag (ratio)
LAD: Liquid Acquisition Device
LADAR: Laser Detection and Ranging
LAN: Local Area Network
LAN: Longitude of Ascending Node
LaRC: Langley Research Center
LAS: Launch Abort System
X: Pound(s)
lbf: Pounds Force
lbm: Pounds Mass
X: Launch Complex
LCC: Life Cycle Cost
LCF: Low Cycle Fatigue
LCH4: Liquid Methane
LCVG: Liquid Cooled Ventilation Garment
LCX: Launch Complex X
LEAG: Lunar Exploration and Analysis Group
LEM: Lunar Excursion Module
LEO: Low Earth Orbit
LES: Launch Escape System
LExSWG: Lunar Exploration Science Working Group
LH2: Liquid Hydrogen
Li: Lithium
LIDS: Low-Impact Docking System
LiOH: Lithium Hydroxide
LLO: Low Lunar Orbit
LLV: Lunar Launch Vehicle
LM: Lunar Module
LNG: Liquid Natural Gas
LOC: Loss of Crew
LOI: Lunar-Orbit Insertion
LOM: Loss of Mission
LOR: unar Orbit Rendezvous
LOV: Loss of Vehicle
LOX: Liquid Oxygen
LPFTP/AT: ow-Pressure Fuel Turbopump/Alternate Turbopump
LPOTP/AT: Low-Pressure Oxidizer Turbopump/Alternate Turbopump
LPR.: Libration Point Rendezvous
LPRE: Lunar Polar Resource Extractor
LRB: Liquid Rocket Booster
LRECM: Liquid Rocket Engine Cost Model
LRO: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
LRPS: Lunar Radioisotope Power System
LRU: Line Replaceable Unit
LRV: Lunar Roving Vehicle
LSAM: Lunar Surface Access Module
LSC: Launch Services Contractor
LSR: Lunar Surface Rendezvous
LTMCC: Large-Throat Main Combustion Chamber
LUT: Launch Umbilical Tower
X: Launch Vehicle
LVA: Launch Vehicle Architecture
LVHM: Launch Vehicle Health Management
X: Million(s)
X: Meters
M&O: Maintenance and Operations
M&P: Material and Processing
m/s: Meters Per Second
m3: Cubic Meters
X: Mercury-Atlas
MAF: Michoud Assembly Facility
mbo: tage Burnout Mass
MCC: Main Combustion Chamber
MCC: Mission Control Center
mdry: Stage Dry Mass
MDU: Master Data Unit
ME: Main Engine
MEA: Maintenance Engineering Analysis
MECO: Main Engine Cutoff
MEIT: Multi-Element Integrated Test
MEOP: Maximum Expected Operating Pressure
MEPAG: Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group
MER: Mass Estimating Relationship
MER: Mars Exploration Rover
MET: Mission Elapsed Time
MeVs: Millions of Electron Volts
MFBF: Mean Flights Between Failure
mgross: Stage Gross Liftoff Mass
mgross-veh: Vehicle Gross Liftoff Mass
MIS: Management Information System
MIT: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MLE: Mid-deck Locker Equivalent
MLI: Multilayer Insulation
MLP: Mobile Launch Platform
MLUT: Mobile Launch Umbilical Tower
MLV: Medium-Lift Vehicle
X: ission Mode
MMH: Monomethyl Hydrazine
MMOD: Micrometeoroid/Orbital Debris
MMSSG: Moon-Mars Science Linkage Steering Group
MON-3: Multiple Oxides of Nitrogen – 3%
MPK: Mission Peculiar Kit
MPPF: Multi-Purpose Processing Facility
MPS: Main Propulsion System
MPTA: Main Propulsion Test Article
: Mercury-Redstone
: Microsoft®
MSFC: Marshall Space Flight Center
MSL: Mars Science Laboratory
MSS: Mobile Service Structure
mT: metric ton(s)
MTBF: Mean Time Between Failure
MTV: Mars Transfer Vehicle
MUSS: Multi-User System and Support
MWe: Megawatts Electric
X: Newtons
N/A: Not Applicable
N2: Nitrogen
N2H4: Hydrazine
N2O: Nitrous Oxide
NAFCOM: NASA and Air Force Cost Model
NAS: National Academy of Sciences
NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Nav: Navigation
NBL: Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory
NCRP: National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements
NEO: No Engine-Out
NEPA: National Environmental Policy Act
NExT: NASA Exploration Team
NGLT: Next Generation Launch Technology
NHRP: Next Hop Resolution Protocol
nmi: nautical mile
NPD: NASA Program Directive
NPG: NASA Procedure and Guideline
NPOE: NPO Energomash
NPR: NASA Procedural Requirements
NRO: National Reconnaissance Office
NSI: NASA Standard Initiative/Initiator
NTO: Nitrogen Tetroxide
NTP: . Nuclear Thermal Propulsion
NTS: Nevada Test Sites
NUREG: Nuclear Regulatory Commission
O&C: Operations and Checkout
O&M: Operations and Maintenance
O2: Oxygen
OBC: Other Burden Costs
OCM: Operations Cost Model
OExP: Office of Exploration
OMB: Office of Management and Budget
OML: Outer Mold Line
OODA: Observation, Orientation, Decision, Action
Ops: Operations
ORCA: Ordnance Remote Control Assembly
ORSC: Oxygen-Rich Staged Combustion
ORU: Orbital Replacement Unit
OSP: Orbital Space Plane
OTP: Oxygen Turbopump
P: Pressure Transducer
P(LOC): Probability of Loss of Crew
P(LOM): Probability of Loss of Mission
P/C: Probe and Cone
X: Pad Abort
PAO: Public Affairs Office
PAS: Primary Ascent System
PAS: Payload Attach System
PBAN: Polybutadiene Acrylonitride
: Plane Change
X: Personal Computer
PCBM: Passive Common Berthing Mechanism
PCM: Pulse Code Modulated
PCM: Pressurized Cargo Mission
PCU: Power Control Unit
PDR: Preliminary Design Review
PEG: Powered Explicit Guidance
PEM: Proton Exchange Membrane
PIC: Pyrotechnic Initiator Controller
PICA: Phenolic Impregnated Carbonaceous Ablator
PLF: Payload Fairing
PMA: Pressurized Mating Adapter
PMA: Primary Mating Adapter
PMAD: Power Management and Distribution
PMS: Propulsion Management System
PNST: Prometheus Nuclear Systems Technology
POD: Point of Departure
POST: Program to Optimize Simulated Trajectories
ppm: Parts Per Million
PRA: Probabilistic Reliability Assessment
PRC: Productivity Rate Curve
: Primary and Secondary
psf: pounds per square foot
psi: Pounds Per Square Inch
psia: Pounds Per Square Inch Absolute
PTA: Prototype Test Article
X: Photovoltaic
X: Pressurized Volume
PV/RFC: Photovoltaic/Regenerative Fuel Cell
PV/W: Formula: (Pressure ∙ Volume)/Weight
X: Quantity Distance
QRAS: Quantitative Risk Assessment System
R&D: Research and Development
R&T: Research and Technology
RAAN: Right Ascension of Ascending Node
RCC: Reinforced Carbon-Carbon
RCG: Reaction-Cured Glass
RCRS: Regenerative CO2 Removal System
RCS: Reaction Control System
RDU: Remote Data Unit
REID: Risk of Exposure-Induced Death
X: Radio Frequency
RFC: Regenerative Fuel Cell
RFP: Request for Proposals
RLEP: Robotic Lunar Exploration Program
RMS: Remote Manipulator System
ROM: Rough Order Magnitude
ROW: Risks, Opportunities, and Watches
: Rocket Propellant
RP1: Kerosene
RPCU: Remote Power Control Unit
RPL: Rated Power Level
RPSF: Rotation Processing and Surge Facility
RRF: Risk Reduction Flight
RRGU: Redundant Rate Gyro Unit
RSRB: Reusable Solid Rocket Booster
RSS: Rotating Service Structure
RTV: Room Temperature Vulcanized
SOA: State-of-the-Art
SOFI: Spray-On Foam Insulation
S&A: Safe and Arm
S&MA: Safety and Mission Assurance
SAIC: cience Applications International Corporation
SARSAT: earch and Rescue Satellite-aided Tracking
SBIR: Small Business Innovation Research
SCAPE: Self-Contained Atmospheric Protection Ensembles
SCAWG: Space Communications Architecture Working Group
SCB: Strip Collar Bonding Approach
SCE: Station Control Electronics
SDILV: Shuttle-Derived In-line Launch Vehicle
SDLV: Shuttle-Derived Launch Vehicle
SDV: Shuttle-Derived Vehicle
SE&I: Systems Engineering and Integration
sec: Second(s)
SECO: Second Stage Engine Cutoff
SEER–SEM: SEER Software Estimation Model
SEG: Space Shuttle Entry Guidance
SEI: Space Exploration Initiative
SFT: Single Fault Toerant
SHAB: Surface Habitat
SiC: Silicon Carbon
SIGI: Space Integrated GPS Instrumentation
SII: Saturn Second Stage
SINDA: Systems Improved Numerical Differencing Analyser
SIP: Strain Isolation Pad
SIRCA: Silicon Infused Reusable Ceramic Ablator
SIVB: Saturn V Third Stage
SLF: Shuttle Landing Facility
SLI: Space Launch Initiative
SLOC: Software Lines of Code
X: Service Module
SMAC: Spacecraft Maximum Allowable Concentration
SMD: Science Missions Directorate
SOMD: Space Operations Missions Directorate
SOMS: Shuttle Orbiter Medical System
SORT: Simulation and Optimization of Rocket Trajectories
SPA: Spacecraft/Payload Adapter
SPA: South Pole-Aitken (basin on the Moon)
SPACE: . Screening Program for Architecture Capability Evaluation
SPASE: Standardized Propulsive Skip Entry
SPE: Solar Particle Event
SPF: Single Point Failure
SPS: Service Propulsion System
SPST: Space Propulsion Synergy Team
SRB: Solid Rocket Booster
SRM: Solid Rocket Motor
SRR: System Requirements Review
SSC: Stennis Space Center
SS–LV: Single-Stick Launch Vehicle
SSME: Space Shuttle Main Engine
SSP: Space Shuttle Program
SSPF: Space Station Processing Facility
SSRMS: Space Station Remote Manipulator System
SSTO: Single-Stage-to-Orbit
STA: Static Test Article
STA: Structural Test Article
STD: Standard
stg: Stage
STH: System Test Hardware
STO: System Test Operations
STPPO: Space Transportation Programs and Projects Office
STS: Space Transportation System
STTR: Small Business Technology Transfer
SUF: tartup Failure
X: Space Vehicle
SVMF: Space Vehicle Mockup Facility
X: Software
T/W: Thrust-to-Weight (ratio)
TAL: Trans-Atlantic Abort Landing
TBD: To Be Determined
TBR: To Be Resolved
X: Thermocouple
TCA: Thrust Chamber Assembly
TCS: Thermal Control System
TDRSS: Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System
TEI: Trans-Earth Injection
TEP/ODE: Thermal Equilibrium Program/One Dimensional Equilibrium
TFU: Theoretical First Unit
TIFF: Throttle-Insensitivity Failure Fraction
TLI: Trans-Lunar Injection
TNT: Trinitrotoluene, i.e., CH3C6H2(NO2)3
TPS: Thermal Protection System
TPSX: Thermal Protection System Expert
TRL: Technology Readiness Level
Tt 1/2: Test Type 1, Test Type 2
X: Television
TVC: Thrust Vector Control
TVS: Thermal Vacuum Stability
U.S.: United States
UCA: Undefinitized Contract Actions
UCM: Unpressurized Cargo Mission
UHF: Ultrahigh Frequency
X: Upper Stage
USAF: United States Air Force
USOS: United States On-orbit Segment
X: Ultra-Violet
VAB: Vehicle Assembly Building
VDC: Volts Direct Current
VIPA: Vehicle Integrated Performance Analysis Team
VITO: Vehicle Integration and Test Office
VITT: Vehicle Integrated Test Team
X: Vacuum Perigee
VPF: Vertical Processing Facility
X: Virtual Reality
WAN: Wide Area Network
WBS: Work Breakdown Structure
WCS: Waste Collection System
ΔV: Delta Velocity, i.e., change in velocity